Domain Collection
I own the following domains for future projects and collaborations. Interested in working together? Email me at
This could be an AI enhancement tool for photos, texting, anything that could use some rizz.
This was for an online resumé building tool that I stopped working on due to little traction. The name is short for Markdown x Curriculum Vitae (CV).
I studied the consumer packaged goods space (CPG) and thought about making a health oriented snack brand called Minmax Snacks. I thought the name was too catchy not to buy the domain for.
This could be used as a tool to find the right SaaS tools for your project.
This is the timer I use whenever I'm at my desktop. It's just a timer that goes off every 10 minutes. The chime is me strumming a guitar. It reminds me to look away from my screen at the very least. Sometimes I'll get up and do some exercise reps. I've gotten a lot stronger doing a few high quality reps throughout the day.
Mindapp is my personal note taking app which I connected to the internet. I would like to further develop it so I'm exploring ways on how I can turn it into a sustainable project.
This is a website of other websites. I built it cuz I wanted to learn and build a new web development framework and this seemed like a nice little project to build.
You always have to own the .com if you can right? This just redirects to
This is my personal website. There is no roadmap. I add features when I feel like it. One time a friend needed an Omegle clone for his film project so that's why there's WebRTC on my homepage.